My darling Heather, today is our wedding anniversary , it’s 52 years today you made me the luckiest, happiest man ever and I miss you so so much, I held your hand through life and now in death, I will never let it go , no one ever takes notice of the “ till death you shall part “ bit of the ceremony until it happens and that rips your world apart, losing you has torn the once amazing family you left apart , life remains cruel, the upside is every day brings me nearer to being back with you and then all will be perfect. We have your nephew Joe staying in our flat , it’s a joy to have part of your family so close, he’s a lovely lad , James and girls are well , growing up to quickly, hopefully they will come and see me next year, the first time since I lost you , you are in my thoughts every single second of the day, I love you and miss you and can’t wait to be back with you my darling , my everlasting love as always, your boy, Alan .😪😪💔💔xxx